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Form Model location should include visibility

Model location should include selection, visiblity, view, basically Model location should behave like Saved View.
Jacqueline Chen over 3 years ago in Models | Display 0 Will not implement

Station offset to overlay with map

Watch this season plan activity: PDCGTM-436Vincas It is a competitor InstaCEI - Highway Construction SoftwareThe essential software for highway construction. Collect, share and act on data real-time from any device, all i...
Jacqueline Chen over 3 years ago in Models | Tools 0 Will not implement

Previous Site trello board

Review these ideas when there is a chance.
Jacqueline Chen over 3 years ago in Models 0 Will not implement

Vertical clearance

Utah DOT - User wants to get the Z difference or vertical clearance from any point or lines to a surface. This will be very useful for users to understand the space/ clearance they need for equipment operation, installation vertical constraint, etc.
Jacqueline Chen over 3 years ago in Models | Tools 0 Will not implement

Notification service is required when updating models

The model has been updated, but the user does not know it and is working on a status update with the old model. When the user enters the model menu, the update is not known.
Guest over 3 years ago in Models 0 Planned

Expand tree to selected elements

Future/PM: expand tree to selected elements? Would need to define workflow and how to deal with incremental selections/expand/etc. Proposal - "Show selected in model tree" option or button in properties. Requires platform changes
Jacqueline Chen over 3 years ago in Models | Visibility 0 Will not implement

Hide/ Emphasize/ Isolate behavior - select similar, select category

•PM: hiding/emphasize/isolate based on category or model element is in. Same as DesignReview? Select one object in the model User would want to quickly select other objects: of similar type/ family of simliar level/ category
Jacqueline Chen over 3 years ago in Models | Display 0 Will not implement

Find/select related elements, find data in model

•PM/UX: •find/select related elements, find data in model. Need to define. •DR: Isolate on category/ model - look into DR for inspiration
Jacqueline Chen over 3 years ago in Models | Display 0 Will not implement

Improve Task query on some more complex scenario Investigate why it doesn't zoom to equipment.
Jacqueline Chen almost 4 years ago in Models | Display 0 Will not implement

More opened permissions on Field -everyone sees everything mode

Everyone with Field visa can status everything without having to set up RGs with humen R associated with email. But this must be implemented after task filtering is done, OR model-based statusing workflow is established. If it is a one person stat...
Jacqueline Chen almost 4 years ago in Models | Display 0 Planned